DISCLAIMER: CoC (Continuum of Care) is an alternative term for LTSS (Long Term Services and Support). Please note that not all instances of LTSS have been transitioned to the new designation.
Elders are the foundation of our communities, the living legacies of traditions, and they must be kept safe. Now more than ever is the time to seek out their wisdom on how we can adapt our ceremonies and practices at home. We must protect the ones we love. Join us in the fight to keeping our elders safe.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in an unprecedented crisis that affects our daily lives as well as our physical, mental and even financial health. To address these needs, the National Indian Council on Aging is committed to providing credible information and resources to help people navigate through this crisis.
In this list you will find information on financial assistance for tribes, prevention steps for caregivers and nursing homes, eldercare resources, and more.