Longterm Services and Support provide the broad range of services and care that people need as they age. These services include your housing and living arrangements, medical care, and finances. They also includes your basic day-to-day personal tasks. Planning for your long-term care includes making decisions about your services, support, finances, and living arrangements.
Do you want to have custodial or in-home care? Have you spoken to your family and caregivers about your medical wishes? Do you want to purchase a long-term care insurance policy, or utilize Medicaid or other public funding options? Do you have a will and estate plan in place?
None of us can know for certain what kind of care we will require as we grow older. Planning now for your long-term care can help you get the support you need on a day-to-day basis as you age. Even if you do not currently have a condition that affects your health, your risk of developing an age-related illness increases as time goes on. This is why it is important to make decisions early for your future needs.
How to Decide What You Need
A comprehensive assessment may help you make sense of your options.
How to Locate Care
Visit the databases of various tribal and urban Native CoC programs.
Plan for Incapacity
Learn the difference between conservatorships and guardianships as well as their less restrictive alternatives.
Financial Education
Utilize the “Your Money, Your Goals” toolkit, and learn about common types of fraud and elder financial abuse.
Do You Need Legal Help?
Know where and how to seek legal advice and assistance.
Caregiver’s Corner
Check out our manual designed for trainers working with Native caregivers of elders with dementia.
Paying for Your Care
Learn about Medicaid, Medicare, Indian Health Service, private insurance, private pay, tribal support, and grants.